Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Let's March on Washington on September 13th

Robert Reich, a proponent of health care for all, is suggesting a march on Washington. It will be on 9-13-2009, Grandparents Day, a Sunday. We should all show up in force. We need to make our numbers and our determination clear! Obama just backed off his statement that a public option is only a "sliver" of his entire plan; actually he has NO PLAN. He is just waiting to see what Congress will do, which is "not much" if the Gang of Six, including my senator Jeff Bingaman, get their way in the Senate Finance Committee. Bingaman is spouting the Conrad nonsense about co-ops being a type of public option, which they clearly are not. We need to stand up for health care for all, a basic human right, and stop letting these Republicans and shouting mobs control everything. Kudos to my young Rep. Ben Lujan for signing onto HR676, Rep. Weiner's single payer bill in the House. And hooray for the progressive caucus in the House standing up to Obama and refusing to accept a bill without a public option. Courage All! We can still get this done. Don't let people tell you the public option is "dead." It's the old way of doing things which only kills people and enriches corporate fat cats that has to die out.

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