Friday, July 31, 2009

Single Payer health care a no brainer

What on earth can our congresspeople be thinking not to just pass a Medicare for All type health care bill so all citizens can be covered. Right now it is all about the insurance and drug companies literally spending millions of dollars per DAY lobbying against any type of public option which would cut into their grotesque profits.

This issue has had particular resonance with me since I retired and had to accept a far more expensive plan than I had before and one with significantly reduced coverage. Medicare and the VA and Pentagon health care for soldiers and veterans are all single payer plans which work just fine. The ONLY reason this isn't being proposed is due to the unbelievable influence these profit-driven companies like Cigna and Blue Cross have in the Congress of the United States.

Check out NY Congressman Weiner's proposal for a single payer plan. It is getting precious little coverage in the mainstream media, but it is the only reasonable way to go. We need to support this bill by calling our congressional representatives and senators.

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